Stanley Baldwin is engaged in a long-term project of writing his retrospective, a personal book about his life and career. This comes at the urging of his daughter, who wanted an in-depth memoir for the large extended Baldwin family. It will not be a typical memoir and will include a number of his articles published in top Christian periodicals over the years, including Christianity Today, Moody Monthly, Eternity, Discipleship Journal, Charisma, Christian Life, and others. He wants these articles, which include spiritual insights and inspirational thoughts, available to readers even after he is gone, especially those who may not have seen the articles before. 

Heidi Gaul has around 30 devotionals in Guideposts’ Mornings with Jesus 2022.

Donna Y. Gurr has contracted to write a set of devotionals for The Quiet Hour to be published February 2023.

Donna Hues had her first-ever submission to a Chicken Soup anthology accepted for Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Clever, Curious, Caring Cat. 

Mary Stone will be presenting “Craft Captivating Conflict” and “Speech Tags & Narrative Action” at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference on September 11. For more information about the conference, go to

Each of the following members had an article in the July issue of The Christian Journal: Susan Brehmer, Jean Davies, Jon Drury, LGayle Gustafson, Linda L. Kruschke, and Maxine Marsolini. The August issue included articles by these members, as well as one by Shirley Mozena.